
Highlights from Our Top Music Picks of 2023

Published December 21, 2023

The end of the year brings a ritual that many music fans eagerly anticipate: reviewing our favorite songs and artists, encapsulated in Spotify Wrapped. This annual tradition serves as a revelatory reflection of our music listening habits, displaying our most played tracks and introducing us to a newfound sense of musical identity.

Reflecting on Our Diverse Music Tastes

As the year wraps up, we often find ourselves amazed at the range of music that has defined our past twelve months. From chart-toppers to indie gems, our eclectic tastes reflect a year's worth of discovery and nostalgia. Amid the excitement, we also grapple with the reality that while Spotify may be wonderfully convenient, it's not without its ethical concerns, particularly its impact on smaller artists' earnings.

A Deep Dive into Our Top Selections

Every year produces surprises in our Spotify Wrapped lists, from unexpected viral hits that catch our algorithm off guard to beloved local artists who grace our top played songs. Whether we've been rocking out to steadfast favorites like Fleetwood Mac or diving into the fresh sounds of local talent, there's no denying the breadth of our musical journey.

Despite potential algorithmic anomalies—like the shock of seeing a song we barely recognize in our top 100—these Wrapped lists often reveal our true musical companions for the year. They show us not only the tracks we played endlessly but also the deep cuts we stumbled upon, the local acts we supported, and the nostalgia trips we embarked upon with classic hits.

Local Acts Making an Impact

Many of us take special pride in the local artists who've made a significant impact on our playlists. From the dream-pop sounds of new acts to the stirring productions of seasoned songwriters, our local music scene never fails to impress. These musicians not only fill our playlists but also remind us of the importance of supporting talent through live shows and physical media purchases.

The Synthesis of Music Across Platforms

While Spotify plays a large role in our digital music consumption, it's not the only player in our musical ecosystem. Other platforms like Bandcamp offer an alternative space where we can engage with and financially support artists directly. As we navigate between different services and formats, our music collections grow more rich and diverse with each passing year.

Spotify, Wrapped, local