
Evanston Workers Share Their Stories in 'Working: A Musical' at Wirtz Center

Published January 31, 2024

At the Virginia Wadsworth Wirtz Center for the Performing Arts, a unique show titled 'Working: A Musical – Localized Version' is captivating audiences from Feb. 2 to Feb. 11. This heartfelt production brings to life the stories of Evanston workers through a powerful mix of song, speech, dance, and video elements. The musical offers a glimpse into the diverse experiences and dreams of everyday people who contribute to the community.

A Musical With Local Roots

Originally created by Stephen Schwartz and Nina Faso in the 1970s, the musical 'Working' is based on Studs Terkel's book compiling interviews with workers about their daily lives and feelings towards their occupations. The show has since evolved, allowing theatre groups to include local narratives and rearrange the presentation of songs and monologues for greater relevance.

Documenting Evanston's Workforce

To infuse Evanston's essence into the musical, video artist Rasheed Peters conducted interviews with local workers. These accounts delve into topics such as first jobs and family influences. The recordings are interwoven with the live performances, shedding light on the importance of celebrating the often overlooked contributions of workers.

Capturing Authentic Experiences

The director of 'Working', Erin Ortman, emphasizes that the documentary-style show aims to acknowledge the extraordinary aspirations within ordinary lives. The diverse cast takes on multiple roles, depicting real-life figures with respect and fidelity. They underwent a dedicated class and extensive research to ensure their portrayal honors the genuine stories of workers.

A Show of Empathy and Respect

Following a performance on Feb. 8, attendees will have a chance to engage in a talkback session with Director Ortman, cast members, and Tanya Palmer, the Assistant Dean and Executive Artistic Director of the Wirtz Center. The overall goal of 'Working' is to inspire audience members to ponder and appreciate the lives and aspirations of workers they encounter in their daily routines.

musical, documentary, community