
West Seattle Welcomes a Fun-Filled Saturday with Over 30 Activities

Published December 2, 2023

A spectacular Saturday is in store for West Seattle, boasting a plethora of activities that cater to a wide array of interests. The West Seattle Holiday Guide offers a detailed list, ensuring you can find something to enjoy.

West Seattle Scavenger Hunt

The 'Winter Wander' event kicks off. Organized by Alice Kuder, the scavenger hunt promises joy throughout the neighborhood and runs until December 10, with registration still open.

Festive Pancakes and Santa Photos

Early birds can join the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle for a pancake breakfast, complete with Santa photos, at the Alki Masonic Center from 7 am to 11 am.

Giving Back with Food and Coat Drive

From 10 am to 3 pm, the Caudle Family is accepting donations for the West Seattle Food Bank behind Hope Lutheran. Drive up with your contributions to support those in need.

Arts and Crafts Events

Local artists showcase their crafts, with mixed-media artist Linda McClamrock's sale at 5532 SW Lander Pl and the Rain City Clay holiday show at 4208 SW 100th. Both events provide an opportunity to find unique gifts.

Pet Friendly Festivities

Animal lovers can enjoy pet photos with Santa at multiple locations, from Windermere West Seattle to the Pet Supplies Plus Store at Westwood Village, where pets can snag a picture with Santa free of charge.

Santa Sightings and Movie Night

Selfies with Santa are offered by the West Seattle Junction Association, and Ounces hosts free Santa visits for kids. For movie enthusiasts, West Seattle Christian Church screens 'Home Alone' with holiday activities on the side.

Non-Holiday Activities

Apart from the seasonal fun, West Seattle hosts various events like the Moon Room Shop and Wellness sale, a fresh produce sale at Delridge Grocery Coop, a free group run with West Seattle Runner, and more. The cultural and creative scene is buzzing with an artist meet-and-greet, a Benefit concert for the local shelter, and an all-ages open mic night.

holiday, scavenger, donations