
Advent Music: The Soundtrack of Devotional Preparation

Published December 16, 2023

Advent is not just a season; it's a time for musical reflection and preparation distinct from the celebratory tunes of Christmas. During this liturgical period preceding Christmas, Advent music takes center stage, offering a distinct genre that focuses on anticipation and readiness for the birth and second coming of Jesus Christ.

Understanding Advent Music

Unlike Christmas music which is jubilant over the birth of Christ, Advent music serves as a prelude, emphasizing the church's period of waiting and preparation before Christmas Day. Joe Frederickson, a music leader from a Christian prayer app, explains Advent music as 'the soundtrack of the Church’s preparation for Christmas.'

The holy season of Advent spans four weeks, leading up to Christmas. It's a time marked by penance and spiritual preparation for both the birth of Jesus and His anticipated return. During this time, the faithful are encouraged to slow down amidst the hustle of the festive season, allowing themselves to be immersed in reflection and prayer, a practice that Advent music deeply enriches.

Advent Music in Practice

Music during Advent includes a variety of hymns such as 'O Come O Come Emmanuel', 'On Jordan's Bank', and 'The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns'. These hymns, among others, are geared towards preparation rather than celebration, a subtle yet significant difference from the Christmas carols that herald the birth of Jesus.

The omission of the 'Gloria' hymn from Catholic Mass during Advent is a symbolic reminder of the anticipatory state of the season. The return of the 'Gloria' during Christmas celebrations signals the shift from anticipation to celebration.

It's noteworthy that Advent music includes a diverse range of styles, providing options to cater to different moods and settings during the season. From piano renditions of Christmas classics to uplifting praise songs and instrumental hymns, Advent offers a rich tapestry of sound that serves as a conduit for the reflective nature of the season.

Advent, Music, Preparation