
Rock and Roll Gala Fundraiser Supports Vacaville Band’s Summer Tour Dream

Published February 27, 2024

The Glass Cactus band, a group of talented teen musicians from the Vacaville School of Rock, is gearing up for an exciting summer tour that will take them through cities like Portland and Seattle. To prepare and raise the necessary funds for this journey, they are hosting a Rock and Roll Gala, an event that provides the community a chance to experience the band's energy and music firsthand.

Energizing the Local Scene

The Rock and Roll Gala, organized by the Glass Cactus Booster, is not only a celebration of music but also a vital fundraising event. The teen band will be playing hit tunes from legendary artists including AC/DC, Green Day, Aretha Franklin, No Doubt, TLC, Jimi Hendrix, and Santana. The Gala promises an evening filled with live performances, dining, a DJ, and dancing, all set in a cocktail-attire atmosphere complemented by a no-host bar.

Fueling Aspiring Musicians

Supporting these young musicians goes well beyond cultivating entertainment—it's about nurturing their growth and assisting with expenses such as travel, lodging, and meals. Melissa Padaca, a booster member and parent of one of the guitarists in the band, is hopeful the event will raise enough to cover the costs for all 15 band members on tour.

A Tradition of Music and Friendship

The summer tour has become an annual tradition, where Glass Cactus joins fellow School of Rock house bands from around the Bay Area and Sacramento, providing these teens with invaluable life experiences. The tours, which have seen these young rockers playing iconic venues like the Viper Room and Troubadour in the past, offer a platform for friendly competition and camaraderie among the participants.

Leaving a Mark on Life Skills

Aside from the chance to perform at popular venues, the tour helps these students develop skills in communication, teamwork, and collaboration. The connections made often continue past the tour, leading to enduring friendships and increased confidence in their musical pursuits.

Event Details

The Gala's proceeds will go directly into making the summer tour a reality, allowing the band members to focus on wowing audiences rather than worrying about funds. The event is an excellent opportunity for the community to come together, enjoy a night of classic rock and roll, and support the aspirations of these young artists.

If you're interested in attending, the Rock and Roll Gala will be held on March 2, from 5:30 to 10:30 p.m. at the Vacaville Opera House. Tickets are available for $75, with special package options for those who wish to contribute further to the cause.

fundraiser, music, community