
Unifying Passion: The Diverse Paths That Led to The Vibe AZ

Published December 25, 2023

A quintet of men with divergent pasts, the members of The Vibe AZ, share one binding passion: music.

Spanning in age from 59 to 72, the group brings a rich diversity, hailing from different regions like Chicago, Milwaukee, New York, and New Jersey, and bearing varied work backgrounds in fields such as law enforcement, banking, auto restoration, architecture, and cybersecurity.

Despite these differences, they've found common ground in their love for music, a powerful force that has drawn them together in Maricopa, where as a cover band, they entertain crowds with a shared zeal.

Ken Grandy, Bob Lame, David Briand, Jim Schrimpf, and Scott Turney might have known each other for just a brief period, but what they share is a deep music-induced kinship that Schrimpf likens to a 'brotherhood.'

Banding together as The Vibe AZ, they dip into their diverse musical beginnings. Turney, for instance, reflects on his jazz band days, his music-filled youth, and a foray into record-making in the '80s, while Grandy recalls beach parties and frat performances in Chicago, followed by a police career and band gigs in between.

Their motivations to start in music were as varied as their origins, with inspirations ranging from family and friends to the allure of being the center of attention. From Schrimpf's switch from accordion to bass to Lame's determination to play lead guitar sparked by his brother's band, each had a story that led them to now.

Their formation in Maricopa was somewhat serendipitous, with Grandy seeking likeminded musicians online. The band solidified their lineup with their last two members, Briand and Turney, and found that their musical tastes from the Beatles to the Brit-pop era resonated with one another.

They continually evolve their playlist to keep their audience engaged, understanding the necessity of a varied repertoire. But for them, it's not about the money; it's about the joy of performance and the ability to keep their spirits young and sharp.

Embarking on their music journey even in retirement, The Vibe AZ finds delight in the company of each other and the sheer pleasure of playing. As Turney sums up, it's the most fun part of his retirement—a sentiment echoed by his bandmates.

music, unity, retirement