
The Resurgence of Neo-Nazi Concerts and Its Impact on Far-Right Extremism

Published February 29, 2024

Recent far-right extremist music events like Call of Terror in France and Hot Shower in Italy mark the first major neo-Nazi concerts in Europe since the COVID-19 hiatus. Similar to the infamous Asgardsrei festival in Ukraine, these gatherings are catalysts for the spread of extremist ideology and the recruitment of adherents. Set for February and March 2024, the expectation is that they will bolster the momentum of the far-right movement.

Music as a Medium for Extremism

The concerts feature bands that carry a message of hate, racism, and bigotry, especially those within the National Socialist Black Metal (NSBM) sub-genre. The aggressive lyrics and imagery associated with NSBM promote white supremacy, anti-Semitic beliefs, and a rejection of democratic institutions, acting as a network hub for like-minded extremists. Revenue from these events is significant and is reinvested into activities that further the far-right agenda, including the creation and distribution of political propaganda.

Transnational Networks Strengthening Ideology

The reach of these neo-Nazi music concerts extends beyond Europe to Russia and the United States, unifying individuals under a banner of racial purity, violent action, and an ethno-nationalist worldview. Recent political shifts in Europe, such as the legalization of the fascist salute in Italy and the rise of far-right parties, contribute to a conducive environment for these extremist groups. Moreover, global events like the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East and Eastern Europe have aggravated sentiments of anti-Semitism and ethno-nationalism, fueling the far-right's narrative.

The Historical Context of Extremist Music

The connection between music and racist ideology dates back to the anti-Semitic compositions of Richard Wagner and was emphasized during the Third Reich. Today, neo-Nazi music not only encourages violence against perceived enemies but also serves to forge strong emotional and communal bonds among followers, effectively crossing geographic boundaries.

The Challenges of Combatting Extremist Concerts

Despite the fact that organizers may use encrypted channels to evade legal repercussions, some information about the gatherings is openly shared, showcasing an outright disregard for authority or complacency on the part of the state. This suggests a deep-rooted issue with the rise of far-right values in certain political climates. The recurrence of these events indicates that they are largely overlooked by those who could intervene, posing a threat to global efforts aimed at maintaining pluralistic societies.

The Lingering Threat

Though countering such movements is essential, the current trajectory suggests that extremist gatherings like Call of Terror and Hot Shower will continue to have harmful effects on social cohesion and political discourse. These gatherings have the capacity not only to amplify far-right ideologies but also to undermine efforts to promote inclusivity and unity across communities.

extremism, concerts, recruitment