
The Complex Choice of Motherhood for Women Artists

Published December 1, 2023

When women artists decide to prioritise motherhood over their creative pursuits, it often comes as a surprising choice to many. One would imagine that stepping away from an artistic career wouldn't be shocking in today’s society, yet it continues to raise eyebrows. The journey of artist Caroline Walker, who captured her early motherhood through ink drawings because they suited the unpredictable nature of a new baby’s schedule, illustrates this ongoing struggle. The art could be put on hold at a moment's notice to attend to her child, symbolising the delicate balance between motherhood and artistry.

Patti Smith: From Punk Icon to Devoted Mother

Patti Smith's 16-year withdrawal from the public eye to raise a family encapsulates this narrative. While her statement about the tough role of being a wife and a mother was seen as ordinary, it clashed with her former punk identity. Her choice left many fans and critics uneasy, as it seemed to challenge the renegade persona that defined her career. Yet, Smith's focus on family reflects a nuance often overlooked - the transformation doesn't necessarily negate an artist's essence.

The Enduring Clash of Creativity and Parenthood

The ongoing dichotomy between creative fulfillment and parenting commitments is a complex one. Society's evolved to not automatically expect women to abandon their careers post-motherhood; however, for female artists, motherhood continues to be perceived as a barrier. Singers like Rihanna deal with the public's fixation on whether motherhood will halt their careers, despite cleary demonstrating their capacity to juggle multiple roles.

This conflict isn't new. Historic views, such as Cyril Connolly's statement about the 'pram in the hall' as an enemy to art, perpetuated the notion that artistic creation and child-rearing are incompatible. Yet why this should be more taxing on creativity than other forms of work remains unconvincing. In recent times, Marina Abramović and Tracey Emin have echoed this sentiment - to be a successful artist may require a costly sacrifice.

Redefining Motherhood in Art

While the landscape is slowly changing - with conversations about maternal frustration and resentment becoming more mainstream - there's still a hesitancy to fully embrace the idea of the mother-artist. Women like Patti Smith who chose to step back from their art to focus on motherhood could be considered radical. The choice, if one can afford it, to be primarily a mother for some time could be seen as a deliberate departure from the societal expectation of non-stop productivity.

In these stories, the essence of creation, even when not visibly productive, retains its significance. Patti Smith, for instance, never fully ceased being an artist or a mother, but instead found a rhythm that accommodated both roles over time. This ongoing balance reflects the complexity of the artist-mother identity and challenges the assumption that it has to be an all-or-nothing scenario.

choice, motherhood, artistry