
70th Anniversary Concert of the 2nd Operational Command

Published October 17, 2024

To celebrate a significant milestone, the 70th anniversary of the 2nd Operational Command took place recently. The event was organized by General Ko Chang-jun and featured an exciting lineup of popular K-pop bands, creating a vibrant atmosphere for attendees.

Community Involvement

The concert was designed not only for soldiers but also for their families and the partner unit, the 19th Sustainment Command. Various food trucks were present, offering a range of delicious food options to enhance the experience for all attendees.

Media Coverage

Local media covered the event extensively, recording the performances and interactions to air later, ensuring that the celebrations reached a wider audience.

Strengthening Alliances

This gathering played a crucial role in strengthening the bonds between Korean and U.S. service members, reaffirming the importance of the ROK-U.S. alliance. By bringing together these communities, the event highlighted the commitment of both nations to work together and support each other.


The 70th anniversary concert was more than just a celebration; it was a meaningful occasion that showcased the camaraderie among service members and their families. Events like this are imperative for maintaining strong relationships and fostering unity within the military community.

anniversary, concert, military