
Amol Rajan's Unexpected Gift to EDM

Published January 11, 2024

In an unanticipated turn of events on BBC 2's University Challenge, the show's host, Amol Rajan, might have just provided an unintentional but golden opportunity for the Electronic Dance Music (EDM) community. The memorable moment occurred during a recent episode when Rajan, engaging with contestants, provided what could be an ideal spoken word sample for EDM producers and DJs to incorporate into their tracks.

A Question That Resonated

Diving into the history of UK's music scene, host Amol Rajan asked, "What name is given to the genre of dance music that developed in the UK in the early 1990s out of the rave scene and reggae sound system culture associated with acts such as A Guy Called Gerald and Goldie?" This question, posed to University of Aberdeen contestants, was not only a test of their music knowledge but also, unbeknownst to Rajan, the perfect setup for a sample ripe for EDM track usage.

The Perfect Answer, Almost

When one of the students confidently answered "Drum and Bass", they were close but not entirely correct. Rajan's correction, "I can't accept Drum & Bass. We need jungle, I'm afraid.", supplied an unintentional yet pitch-perfect spoken sample that producers might dream of. Its unexpected nature and precise enunciation are just what sampling artists look for when scouting for unique and impactful sounds to add texture to their music production.

The Intersection of Game Shows and Music Production

The phenomenon of finding samples in the least expected places is nothing new in the world of music production. While game shows are not the typical hunting ground for EDM producers, they may very well become one after Rajan's contribution. With the growing interest in blending spoken word elements into music tracks, the EDM industry continuously seeks fresh and catchy phrases that can elevate a beat to the next level. Rajan's inadvertent provision serves as a testament to the boundless possibilities where musical inspiration can be sourced, even from a cerebral TV game show like University Challenge.

EDM, sample, jungle