
Public Calls for Drone-focused New Year's Eve Celebration on BBC in 2024 Amid Environmental and Financial Concerns

Published January 2, 2024

Each New Year's Eve, the London skyline is famously illuminated by a magnificent fireworks extravaganza. However, voices from the public are increasingly advocating for a significant alteration to the 2024 celebrations, suggesting that the traditional pyrotechnic display give way to a more environmentally friendly and cost-effective drone show.

Environmental and Animal Welfare Concerns Spurring Change

Concerns over the environmental impact of fireworks have fueled opinions that the drone display witnessed in the past is not only more eco-conscious but also a visually appealing alternative. Some viewers contend that the overwhelming sounds of fireworks are distressing to animals, while the incorporation of drones presents a quieter and aesthetically superior option.

Financial Benefits of Drone Use Over Fireworks

In light of the cost of living crisis, there's an argument to be made about the financial sensibility of using drones for festive displays. Drones, unlike fireworks, can be re-used, potentially leading to substantial cost savings over the traditional pyrotechnic shows. Social media users are vocalizing their preference for drone displays, with some calling on the Mayor of London to consider making a switch.

Differing Opinions on Fireworks Versus Drones

While some citizens express their disapproval of the fireworks and enthusiasm for drone use, others remain staunch supporters of the pyrotechnics, praising the sensory experience it provides. A debate has been sparked over whether the incorporation of drones could completely replace fireworks or if a combination of both could strike the right balance, as suggested by industry experts.

Industry Response and Public Sentiment

The designers of the display acknowledge the possibility of combining both elements—fireworks and drones—though they mention technical constraints, such as timing for light and image transitions. Furthermore, they note that their current carbon emissions are offset. Yet, it is undeniable that public sentiment is swaying towards a more sustainable and economical approach to ringing in the New Year in future celebrations.

environment, drones, fireworks