
André 3000 Showcases His Flute Skills on 'The Late Show with Stephen Colbert'

Published January 25, 2024

Renowned for his musical versatility, André 3000 has taken a new turn in his career, embracing the mellifluous world of the flute. In a transition that may have surprised fans expecting his signature rap verses, André's latest project, New Blue Sun, is an exploration of instrumentation over lyricism. His passion for flute music was the centerpiece of his recent appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

The Flute's Appeal

During the show, André 3000 opened up to Colbert about his growing love for the flute. He described how the instrument captivated him, leading to years of practice and ultimately to the creation of an album that showcases his skills. "I discovered the flute and started playing it over and over again for years," he explained. André's relationship with the flute is deeply personal, likening its sound to the human voice and its vibrato to the human essence.

Flute Performance Spotlight

The insightful interview led to an engaging performance as André 3000 took the stage with his flute. Playing the piece, “That Night in Hawaii When I Turned into a Panther…” he affirmed his musical talents extend beyond his iconic rapping abilities. Whether through vocals or the flute, André 3000 continues to demonstrate his artistic prowess, much to the audience's delight. While some may advocate for his return to the rap scene, André 3000 is content with pursuing his artistic expression through the flute, regardless of public opinion.

flute, performance, interview