
Ukiah Celebrates The Real Sarahs and Alex de Grassi in Album Release Concert

Published March 20, 2024

"You could struggle on through with your head in the sand, or set yourself free and move through the pain." These poignant words from the song 'Everything’s Changed' encapsulate the heartfelt and resilient spirit of The Real Sarahs, a cherished folk duo from Mendocino County. Their upcoming album, also titled 'Everything’s Changed,' emerges from a period of personal trials and is a testament to their artistic growth and survival.

The Real Sarahs: Musical Evolution and Resilience

Comprised of Sarah Larkin and Sarah Ryan, The Real Sarahs’ music is deeply rooted in personal experience and harmonious storytelling. Their journey has been as harmonious as their vocals, with both members sharing backgrounds of family music traditions and facing significant losses that further forged their bond. Their latest work, 'Everything’s Changed,' was developed amid troubling times, including the devastation of Sarah Ryan’s house fire and Sarah Larkin's serious car accident.

Legendary Collaborations and Community Support

Produced by the acclaimed fingerstyle guitarist Alex de Grassi, who brings his own musical legacy and expertise, the album features a mix of original songs and reinterpretations of classics. The Ukiah album release concert is set to be an immersive experience with the duo and de Grassi being accompanied by talented musicians like bassist David Hayes, drummer Kirk Harwood, and other special surprise appearances. This event not only showcases the album but also celebrates the duo’s comeback after overcoming adversity.

A Journey Captured in Music

The creation of 'Everything’s Changed' was unique, adapting to pandemic restrictions and relying on virtual collaborations for early arrangements. Despite these challenges, the project flourished with contributions from a host of exceptional musicians and technical experts, with funding partly sourced from a successful Kickstarter campaign. The album stands as a poignant reflection of life’s unexpected turns, infusing the music with grit, heart, and authenticity.

An Album of Healing and Hope

The Real Sarahs and de Grassi view music as a healing force, a notion inherent in their songs. The new album embodies their journey of resilience and their commitment to truthful expression through music. The duo’s upcoming concert is not just a performance, it’s a celebration of the healing power of music and the unwavering strength of community.

Join in the Celebration

For those eager to be part of this special event, the Ukiah SPACE Theater will be the venue where fans can gather, listen, and celebrate the power of song alongside The Real Sarahs and Alex de Grassi. In addition to the musical festivity, the evening will support further artistic endeavors. CDs and intimate interactions with the artists post-concert add to the allure of the event, perfect for longtime followers and new listeners alike.

concert, album, community