
Paul Weller Questions the Infrequent Music Releases by Younger Artists

Published January 7, 2024

Music veteran Paul Weller, known for his role as the frontman of The Jam, has recently voiced his concerns regarding the release frequency of music by younger artists, suggesting that they don't put out new records often enough. Weller's own career has been marked by consistent music releases and regular touring — a formula he credits for his success and longevity in the music industry.

The Importance of Frequent Releases

For Weller, the act of touring and making records is essential, seeing it as a fundamental aspect of being a musician. He expressed his bafflement at the pattern of young artists taking extended breaks, sometimes five to seven years, between albums. The renowned singer-songwriter emphasized the value of persistence and the importance of pushing oneself to consistently create and share music.

Weller's Standing on Prolificacy and Fame

During an interview, Weller pointed to the late Amy Winehouse as an example of a brilliant artist who, sadly, has left only two albums for the world to enjoy. He explained that quantity should not come at the cost of quality, but saw significant merit in releasing as much music as one can. Weller also disclosed his indifference towards celebrity status, clarifying that his interest lies solely in being recognized for the quality of his music.

Resisting The Heritage Act Label

Weller, who has been actively making music beyond his time with The Jam, has taken a firm stand against being seen as a 'heritage act.' He acknowledged losing some fans who primarily sought Jam nostalgia, but chose instead to continue developing as a solo artist. This decision, as Weller noted, was a deliberate effort to not be confined to his past works but to be seen for the artist he is now.

Despite the challenges that come with such a stance, Paul Weller remains a figure of inspiration for artists looking to carve their own path, reinforcing the idea that staying true to one's artistic aspirations is a key to long-term fulfillment.

music, touring, consistency