
PBS's 'Gospel' Docuseries: A Musical Journey That Inspires

Published February 17, 2024

Fed up with reality TV spectacles, like 'The Bachelor,' which often show women vying for a man's affections in demeaning ways, or the pervasive violence and faux laughter in current programming? There is an alternative that might just elevate your spirit.

Over at PBS, a new docuseries entitled 'Gospel' promises to deliver an enriching experience. This series is not only a delight to watch, but it also serves as a spiritual upliftment to its viewers.

Inspirational Host and Content

Helmed by the renowned Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., 'Gospel' explores the deep roots of gospel music, which has been a source of strength for African Americans throughout history filled with hardship. Gates is known for his thought-provoking work in tracing the lineage and exploring the family histories of notable African Americans, bringing a nuanced perspective to complex issues without passing judgment.

A Testament to Resilience and Joy

What is striking about 'Gospel' is the pervasive sense of joy despite the narrative of suffering, from the days of slavery to more recent times of discrimination and prejudice. The series taps into a variety of voices, including historians and scholars, to shed light on gospel music's unique and transformative power.

Visiting a black church, as described in the series, is an experience of high spiritual energy, rooted in a tradition where the preached word is accompanied by a lively call to actively engage, very different from the more reserved services in predominantly white churches.

The Impact of Gospel Music

'Gospel' also celebrates the genre's influence beyond the church, acknowledging its contributions to the world of music, including rock and roll. It revisits the creation of beloved hymns and connects them to personal stories of pain, hope, and ultimately, triumph.

Gospel tunes often draw from deep emotional wells, but maintain a foundation in faith. Even those who once scoffed at gospel music, labeling it 'the Devil's music', much like they did with rock and roll, would find it hard to ignore its messages of divinity and redemption.

Experiencing 'Gospel'

The power of gospel music is tangible; it moves people of all backgrounds to participate, to stand and even shout, crossing cultural divides. It's suggested that gospel music could even provide a refreshing change of pace for events such as the Super Bowl halftime show, offering an experience filled with vigor and sincerity.

Available on local PBS stations or online, 'Gospel' isn't just television programming—it's likened to a rejuvenating spiritual bath, guaranteed to evoke smiles, singalongs, and blessings. If after watching 'Gospel' you're not filled with a sense of warmth and vitality, it might be worth checking your pulse.

inspirational, music, joy