
Vinylly Survey Explores Generational Music Preferences in Dating

Published December 21, 2023

Recently, a survey conducted in December 2023 by Vinylly, a dating platform for music lovers, shed light on the diverse ways different generations experience and value music in the sphere of dating and social interactions. The survey unveiled distinct generational trends among Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, Millennials, and Gen Zers, revealing how music preferences and concert behaviors can influence romantic connections and friendships.

Spotify Wrapped and Generational Divides

The debate over Spotify Wrapped's accuracy transcends age groups, with 72% of Millennials finding it reliable, whereas only half of Gen Z and Baby Boomers agree. Gen X feels the most alienated, with a mere 33% in agreement, suggesting generational disparities in how digital music services are perceived and used.

Musical Taste and Moving Cities

Would you move for love of music? Only a small fraction of Baby Boomers (17%) and Millennials (22%) would relocate for a partner with similar music tastes. However, the story is quite different for Gen Xers and Gen Zers, with 44% and 40%, respectively, open to the idea, displaying a more nomadic spirit linked to musical bonds.

Who Gets to DJ on Road Trips?

Control over the car stereo is a generational battleground. Baby Boomers are keen on maintaining either veto rights or equal turns at the helm, while Gen Xers and Millennials are generally more flexible, often enjoying fresh musical finds on the journey. Gen Z occupies a middle ground, leaning towards shared control over the music.

Sober Concert Experiences Across Ages

A large majority of Baby Boomers (83%) and a significant number of Gen Xers (61%) choose sobriety at concerts, prioritizing unclouded memories. This contrasts with just 39% of Millennials and 60% of Gen Z preferring to stay sober, highlighting a generational shift towards differing concert experiences.

Live Performances and Tech Use

The younger crowd, with half of Gen Z, is fine with phone use during live performances, indicating a trend towards technology acceptance at events. This is in stark contrast to the majority of Baby Boomers (67%) who would rather stay undisturbed, with Millennials tending to align more with the Boomers on this stance.

Physical Attraction vs. Musical Connection

The majority, including 83% of Baby Boomers and Millennials, and 80% of Gen Z, place musical compatibility above physical appearance when considering a partner. Gen X, however, shows a slight preference for looks, suggesting that musical bonding doesn't hold the same weight for them in relationships.

Rachel Van Nortwick, CEO and Founder of Vinylly, comments on the findings: "Music is a heartbeat that connects people, and our survey illustrates how deeply it influences relationships across generations. Whether it's the intimacy of shared playlists or the social nuances of concerts, music is integral to forming connections, and Vinylly is proud to facilitate these bonds."

The insights from this survey not only reflect the unique matchmaking approach of Vinylly but also emphasize how pivotal music is in shaping the dynamics of dating and social life.

Dating, Music, Generations