
The Cobain 50: KEXP's Podcast Dives into Kurt Cobain's Musical Legacy

Published December 9, 2023

In the spirit of the new year, Seattle-based radio station KEXP is introducing an exciting project for fans of Nirvana and music historians alike. Dubbed The Cobain 50, this weekly podcast series aims to take a deep dive into the musical tastes and influences of the legendary Nirvana frontman, Kurt Cobain, by exploring his top 50 albums.

Unraveling a Rock Icon's Playlist

The podcast gets its roots from the iconic musician's personal list of cherished albums, originally disclosed to the public in the 2002 book Journals. For years, Kurt Cobain's favorite albums list has captivated his admirers, providing a window into the auditory world that shaped his creative output.

A Journey through Diverse Musical Landscapes

Starting from January 10, KEXP personalities Martin Douglas and Dusty Henry embark on a journey with their listeners, unpacking the stories and sounds of Cobain's selected discography. The Cobain 50 promises to be a treasure trove of discussions, featuring interviews with various artists who have earned a place on this eclectic list. The albums span a broad spectrum from the realms of punk, indie, and rock to the fringes of the underground music scene, including bands like Pixies, Sonic Youth, and R.E.M., as well as lesser-known gems such as the Vaselines and Scratch Acid.

Exploring Latin American Tunes

To complement the main series, KEXP’s El Sonido host Albina Cabrera will helm El Cancionero de Kurt, a specialized Spanish-language podcast. This series aims to delve into the interplay between Latin American music influences and Cobain’s own musical legacy, offering a unique perspective on the global impact of Cobain's artistry.

Seattle, podcast, Nirvana