
The Tale of Music Without Frontiers: Salvation by a Millionaire

Published March 20, 2024

Stefan Markovitch was no ordinary shopkeeper. For nearly three decades, he presided over Music Without Frontiers in Hobart, sharing his vast knowledge of music and forming deep connections with his patrons. Despite his gruff demeanor, Stefan was renowned for his incredible memory and his dedication to music which spanned across all genres.

A Musical Influence

Leigh Carmichael, who later created the renowned Dark Mofo festival, was one such individual who found a guide in Stefan. Originally dismissed by Stefan for his lack of funds and taste for grunge, Carmichael's persistent visits to the shop eventually led to a friendship and a broadening of his musical horizons, deeply influencing Dark Mofo's musical selections.

A Store Against the Odds

In a digital age where streaming services reign supreme, independent record stores like Stefan's are becoming increasingly rare, often succumbing to the pressures of declining sales, rising rents, and competition from big players. Yet, Music Without Frontiers stood firm, defying trends and maintaining its unique charm through Stefan's staunch anti-technology stance and his preference for personal interaction over digital convenience.

A Legacy in Peril

Stefan's life took a sharp turn when he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He reached out to Leigh Carmichael, touching upon the urgent need to preserve his store's legacy. This led to a formidable challenge: convincing David Walsh, the founder of the Museum of Old and New Art (MONA) and Carmichael's boss, to invest in the store and ensure its survival. Despite the financial risks involved, Carmichael saw Music Without Frontiers as an integral piece of Hobart's cultural puzzle, worthy of being saved.

The Record Store's Future

With persistence and passion, Carmichael managed to secure the store's future, aligning it with MONA's cultural mission. Now under the management of Mel Stewart, Music Without Frontiers continues in the vein of Stefan's vision, providing a treasure trove of musical gems and promoting the local cultural scene. Established as a cultural landmark, the store remains a testament to Stefan's legacy and the power of human connection in the music world.

music, culture, legacy