
A Minute with MoulD: The Nomadic Solo Artist

Published December 1, 2023

In conversation with MoulD, a solo artist with a unique lifestyle, we discover not just his music but also his nomadic way of life. MoulD has the world as his residence, dividing his time between his father's place, friends' homes, and hotel rooms, embracing a truly unbounded existence.

Life Without a Fixed Address

MoulD's life blurs the lines of a traditional home setting, as he prefers to live without a fixed base. His transient lifestyle might raise eyebrows, but it also affords him a freedom that's quite rare. On any given day, he may wake up in different surroundings, from a family abode to a cozy corner in a friend's house, or the anonymity of a hotel room.

The Simple Pleasures of Breakfast

Despite his unconventional living arrangements, MoulD starts his day in a rather conventional manner. This morning, like many, he indulged in a hotel breakfast, but his usual go-to meal is a classic toast, highlighting a simplicity amidst his otherwise complex lifestyle.

Cherishing the Moment of Rest

A perfect day for MoulD is the luxury of idleness. Waking without an alarm, sipping a kick-starter coffee, and embracing a day free of obligations is his idea of bliss—a stark contrast to the hustle of his usual busy schedule.

Literary Influences and Memories

While not an avid reader, MoulD holds 'The Picture of Dorian Grey' in high esteem, marking it as his top literary choice. Childhood memories, abstract and fleeting, paint a warm, yet vague picture of his younger years.

What's Inside MoulD's Fridge?

In a revelation that hints at simplicity again, a bottle of gin stands as the staple in his fridge—a modest nod to the common thread of minimalism in MoulD's life.

Audiophiles Rejoice

Revisiting the grunge era, MoulD currently enjoys the masterful tunes of Nirvana's albums 'Nevermind' and 'In Utero' during car rides, finding depth and genius within their tracks.

Animal Spirit and Personal Pride

When it comes to a spirit animal, friends have likened MoulD to a hyena or an eagle, though he rarely ponders the connection himself. As for pride, the creation and success of his music video 'Don’t Miss Me When I’m DeaD' stand out, a collaborative effort with the talented team at Cult Experiences.

Cinematic Inspiration

The awakening scene of Neo in 'The Matrix' resonates deeply with MoulD, symbolizing a personal affinity for reflection and positive life transformations.

Desired Company and Time Travel Wishes

Given a choice, MoulD would spend an evening with his late mother, catching up on the time lost. If he could time travel, witnessing Jim Morrison perform in the '60s or '70s would be his destination of choice.

Deepest Fears and Youthful Advice

The genuine fear of losing loved ones and unfulfilled aspirations haunts MoulD. To his younger self, he would advocate perseverance through adversity and emphasize kindness—a virtue he regrets not always upholding in the past.

Dating Deal-Breakers and Apocalyptic Plans

Jealousy is a definitive deal-breaker in MoulD's relationships, valuing freedom and trust above all. Faced with the world's end, his final hours would be spent expressing gratitude and enjoying the company of those he holds dear.

MoulD's Musical Journey Continues

MoulD's latest contribution to the music scene is his single 'Don’t Miss Me When I’m DeaD', adding another layer to his artistic portfolio and inviting listeners into his ever-evolving musical narrative.

nomadic, musician, lifestyle