
Award-Winning Violist Ellie Welker to Perform and Share Her Spiritual Journey at St. George Tabernacle Concert

Published March 7, 2024

Esteemed violist Ellie Welker will be holding a special concert, graced by her heartwarming music and her personal faith journey. Set to perform in St. George for one evening, concert-goers can expect an enchanting mix of melody and spirituality. The event is a rare opportunity to witness the synergy of Welker's talent and testimony.

An Evening of Melody and Testimony

Ellie Welker, who began her musical expedition at the tender age of five and later discovered her passion for the viola, has meticulously crafted a career that intertwines her love for music with her Christian faith. Now she's ready to bring her gift to the historic St. George Tabernacle on a memorable Saturday evening. The concert, featuring a blend of local musical virtuosos, is a platform for Welker to spread her message of faith through the universal language of music.

A Life Enriched by Music and Faith

Ellie's musical path, which started in Taiwan, has brought her worldwide acclaim and opportunities to collaborate with global artists. Her accolades include a bachelor's degree in viola performance and a tour de force of appearances alongside notable names in the music industry. Ellie's mission extends beyond performance; as the founder of the California Youth Music Competition, she nurtures the talents of young musicians, advocating for accessible musical education.

Supporting Local Talent and Inspiring through Song

Joining Ellie Welker for the concert will be pianist Mark Gubler and vocalist Philippe Hall, each bringing their unique expertise to the stage. The trio's collaboration underscores the event's dedication to showcasing local artists and the rich tapestry of the community's musical assets. With compositions by Rebecca Belliston planned for the evening, attendees will be among the first to hear these pieces performed on the viola.

A Message of Peace Through Performance

'I hope that when people come to this concert, they can find resonance in my music,' says Welker. Her performances are an invitation to experience serenity and reflection through the emotive power of the viola. The event is not just a concert but a gateway to connecting with something deeper—a divine harmony of the arts and spiritual enlightenment.

concert, violist, spirituality