
Embracing Silence in a Noisy World

Published December 11, 2023

In a world where digital connectivity is ubiquitous, Columnist Stephen Kessler chooses a different path. His world is mostly analog, favoring the tangible connection through personal letters sent via post. This preference for direct, exclusive communication with individuals does not completely insulate him from modern media, however, as radios are present in every room of his home. Occasionally, these devices serve as his link to the world's pulse, particularly for potentially significant happenings. It's a selective engagement that contrasts his otherwise media-muted environment.

The Comforts of a Low-Tech Lifestyle

Kessler's household shuns the glare of television screens and the perpetual scroll of social media on mobile devices. A laptop might be used, but the initial crafting of his thoughts begins with pen and paper. This deliberate approach to staying informed involves sparing use of the radio, indulging in news broadcasts only to catch the essence of the day's events — mainly for any earth-shattering incidents that could be unfolding.

The Soundtrack of Everyday Life

Life, according to Kessler, has its own background score. Much like John Cage's exploration of silence and sound, the ambient noises of the surroundings compose a daily soundtrack. In contrast to Cage's vibrant New York setting, Kessler's near-downtown Santa Cruz environment creates a more personal symphony, from the drip of rain to the hum of urban activity, occasionally underscored by a personal ringing in his ears — a remnant of youthful days filled with loud music.

A Day of Intentional Silence

In a conscious effort to disconnect from the tension wrought by distressing news reports, Kessler experiments with a day abstaining from even his minimal media consumption. The physical and emotional influence of global tragedies communicated via radio can be overwhelming, and he recognizes the need for respite. In place of the news, he seeks silence, aspiring to allow it to reveal unadulterated insights and spur creativity. He finds this practice a vital component of his well-being, creating a space where inspiration can emerge spontaneously.

Reflections on the Value of Quiet Moments

Kessler advocates for the cultivation of moments devoid of external information, suggesting these are when we are most alive and aware. Not knowing, not being bombarded by the constant stream of news, offers immediate engagement with the present. Such mindfulness not only fosters a deeper connection with oneself but also pays homage to the often overlooked simplicity and vitality of silence. As the day winds down, he knows he will eventually catch up with the world's affairs, but for now, he raises a glass to the tranquility of a dreary afternoon and the rich experience of being truly present.

silence, reflection, disconnect